As a child did your mother ever tell you that it’s ‘mind over matter’? Well to make extra money it really is ‘mind over matter’.
These days there is a more sophisticated question that is asked and that is Does law of attraction really work?Let me explain.
The Science of Getting Rich
A few years ago I came across a book that really helped me start to understand ‘why’ that saying is so true. The book is quaint in many ways because it was written in 1910.
It is a real classic with timeless wisdom and practical ways for building wealth. Some of the ideas are so simple yet - do we do them?
Here is one persons experience as a result of reading and putting into practice the law of attraction principals in this marvellous little book:
“About 3 years ago, my wife and I found ourselves on the wrong end of a business gone bad that nullified the previous 6 years work and left us about $250,000 in debt. It was then bankruptcy or work our way through it. After selling our home and an investment property we had bought we were still a long way in debt (we did manage to keep our old car)and were struggling to find decent work. Many tears and difficult days were shared. I took jobs as a kitchen hand, labouring, warehouse work, anything I could get. I found the SOGR book through a free seminar I attended about 2 1/2 years ago, I read it...continually and began to practice it's teachings. I bought the CD's and played them continually in my car (still do)and things began to change immediately. I met people,I was offered jobs, as my confidence was re initiated opportunities continued. I began working for myself eventually and today, 2 years later, my wife and I are enjoying the most wonderful stage of our relationship, I earn over $300k per year, work less weekly hours than I ever have, we have a beautiful home which we are currently renovating and extending and we have several other investment properties in our portfolio which is still growing, and yes, I have a new car. In short, I am living and ongoing proof that the SOGR principles work. My riches in Health, Wealth and Spirituality continue to grow daily and I still read my book and listen to my CD's daily. I am today a happy man and I have achieved more in the last 2 years than I did in 25 years of previous work.” ---Graham S., Perth, Western Australia.
There are many, many more stories I have heard from readers. However, will this happen to you? I honestly don’t know. But hey, what if it does?
So, grab your copy with my compliments.
Once you have read the book you will defiantly want to have a read of this so you can start putting the ideas into practice.
How to make extra money without being asked to use even one cent of your own money.
The legendary multi-millionaire Stuart Goldsmith has outlined a step by step ways to make extra money . He gives details of how, starting from flat broke, you can change nothing into $1,310,720 using your wit, imagination and your natural abilities.
It really is fun!
Again, if you use the principals from the Science of Getting Rich… wow… you just never know WHAT will happen for you!
Enjoy the journey - make extra money and pass this along.
Decent Honest Hardworking People Frustrated with Current Circumstances Now with retirement looming I see all around me decent, honest, hardworking men and women trying to figure out how to retire comfortably, or find ways to be at home with the kids, contribute to your family finances AND STILL have a life. |
It doesn't have to be that way.
What I have found is so profound, I just HAVE to share it with others...
So are YOU fed up with having your choices limited by lack of money?
Do yourself a favour and take the tour for yourself and your families sake.... you are just moments away from changing your lives...take the tour now...
More articles on importance of mindset when you want to make extra money.
Having the correct mindset to help you with your personal growth that is essential for success in your home business.