Effective communication skills help remove the ‘stress’ out of business, making each relationship a joy. These good skills in turn will boost your enthusiasm and energy, which will then bring results to smile about.
So what are some of the basic and skills you need? Let’s take a look…
Understand People.
If you understand how people tick you’re well on your way tonetwork marketing successor home based business, after all, any business must use effective communication skills because business is simply communicating with people. Bottom line. Having effective communication skills also gives you a solid grounding and base for good leadership skills.
Understand People.If you understand how people tick you’re well on your way tonetwork marketing successor home based business, after all, any business must use effective communication skills because business is simply communicating with people. Bottom line. Having effective communication skills also gives you a solid grounding and base for good leadership skills.Don’t believe me?Open your eyes when you go to any place where business in conducted, either written or in person – what is happening? People are communicating with people.Effective communication starts with You!The underlying factor is to KNOW YOURSELF, LIKE YOURSELF and TRUST YOURSELF. If you don’t - then nobody else will. I am serious when I say that!Know how you respond to others; find out what triggers your feelings of anger and resentment; notice what triggers your feelings of joy and happiness, then you can trust yourself to respond appropriately in all situations.Same goes for sales, with the .right sales information, making sales calls can be pain free and pressure freeAgain, this may ‘sound’ simple enough (which it is), however most people don’t bother to really notice their responses. They then wonder why they aren’t having the success they really deserve.Now I have found over the years, the most effective communication skills is:
Communicating with yourself – your self talk. You know that little voice that talks to y you – yes, that one that said “I don’t have one”! If that little voice keeps telling you ‘I’m not good enough”, “I can’t do that” it is time to put a stop to it and start giving yourself positive self talk. To maintain positive self talk, I have found these positive 'thought for the day' useful. So now that we know ourselves, like ourselves and trust ourselves it makes the next set of effective communication skills a lot easier and that is: |
Communicating with others
Have you ever noticed that each culture has it’s own little ritual when two people build repore? It is fascinating.
For me, I say: “G’day, how’s it going?” It’s like a game, my turn your turn. Being polite - making polite conversation.
The interesting part comes when the conversation progresses and your natural reaction or responses start to kick in – your habitual way of responding.
Being aware of these responses will allow you to then choose to change that response to one that will be more appropriate, and bring the positive results you want.
Have you ever wondered how your mother ‘knew’ what you had done as a child? Mother’s seem to be extra good at picking up on those subtle ‘vibes’.
This is why it is so important to BELIEVE in what you are doing – if you don’t – others WILL pick up on it. They may not be able to be specific, but they just ‘sense’ your belief or lack of it.Communicating clearly about your business.
It is vital to have effective communication skills whencommunicating the problem that your home business solves.This needs to be done clearly, consistently and briefly.
I like to use a little formula for keeping things simple. For example:
When initially giving a brief description explaining not only what you do, but building curiosity, you will want to use your effective communication skills to get your ‘most wanted response’; have the other person show genuine interest and start asking you about it.
If you attempt to ‘tell’ all about your ‘wonderful company’, ‘your wonderful products.’ ….oohhh dear! STOP! I’m sure ‘you’ wouldn’t want to have to hear that from someone else, would you?
So, simply state honestly, a problem you had, what you found as a solution and why - BRIEFLY. Learning these effective communication skills will make life a lot easier.
Receiving Communication FROM others
We do this using effective communication skills of listening - or do we? It is essential in your home business to :
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Only after you are both clear on this can your business transaction take place.
The effective communication skills of listening from the heart is what truly takes the stress out of situations, improving your joy and enthusiasm for your home based business life.
Listen to Effective Communication Skills podcast here.
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