Don't Worry Be Happy

Ok, "don't worry be happy" - sometimes easier said then done. Particularly when the kids are being ratty, you're on the phone to a client or important business call, they are attempting to get your attention (hey isn’t that usually the way, the children seem to know when you are busy and at your wits end).

Or you are simply feeling down, things simply aren’t working.

Basically life sucks and you are expected to be at your best for an important business call or meeting. So, Don't Worry Be Happy – yeah right!

How to Create Energy When You’re Really Feeling Down

It is the intangible that 'attracts' or makes others WANT to get to know you or do business with you because they sense that you can LEAD them with your energy. 

So take a quick look at how you are standing, walking, and talking. Your mental and physical posture is linked. Don’t believe me? Try being happy when you are hunched over with a frown on your face.

Powerful Action:


Hand in the air and pull down FAST!

Shout LOUDLY: “YES!” with gusto and energy.

Then state the purpose of your life (if you don’t have one take the time to figure this out, as it will guide you through life’s choices) with a


Enjoy a positive thought for the day in your inbox to get you started right each day.

You will find by the time you do those simple things (only takes a few minutes) the ‘Don't Worry Be Happy' will be a lot easier and will smooth out those mountain and valley experiences to become the gentle rise and fall rhythm of life. Learning how to be happy is key. 

SMILE Then go for a BRISK WALK

Enjoy a positive thought for the day in your inbox to get you started right each day.

You will find by the time you do those simple things (only takes a few minutes) the ‘Don't Worry Be Happy' will be a lot easier and will smooth out those mountain and valley experiences to become the gentle rise and fall rhythm of life. Learning how to be happy is key. 

Learn how to 'Own Your Life' now. 

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